Wednesday 25 April 2012

The Good Old Days

Do you miss the "Good Old Days" Like I do - not the crappy BBC Music-Hall Series, but the early Days of TSR when all sorts of wonderfully "quirky" Advertisements ran in the various Comics and Magazines of the day.

I can ASSURE you most kids aren't cool enough to wear Dungarees in a D&D Advert LoL!

I particularly like "The Adventure is Yours" Advert, in my opinion it's not in the slightest Geeky (especially compared to that last one)!

Just people sitting around having fun!

Gary Gygax even got his gorgeous daughter Heidi in on the act!

And if that didn't get teenage boys interested - nothing would! Likewise with this next Advert -

Cries of dismay from Boys all over the world that walking around with their newly purchased Monster Manual under their arms didn't attract girls - especially ones that look as good as that!

The next series of Adverts look like they were drawn by Jeff Dee (of Villains and Vigilantes Fame) I recently did a short piece about Jeff on my Pulp City Planet Blog.

I think you will agree that those Adverts are exciting and evocative of D&D - though I must admit, the frame where one of the characters is holding up D&D Manuals "irks" me a little, and still strikes me as odd to this day!

To most people such Advertisements are cheesy and corny - but I hope I am not the only one who finds the interesting - they fill me with warmth and nostalgia personally.


  1. "The Adventure is Yours" comic ad is an inked version of this magazine ad using the same cast as the classic 80's TV spot. Which makes the girl in your ad with pigtails cartoon Jami Gertz and the guy next to her with glasses cartoon Alan Ruck.

  2. Oooh, Good Spot - Thanks for that!

  3. There is nostalgia associated with these ads but also a sense that everything was new. Today, we have all sorts of ads on the Internet, magazines, etc. but nothing is new. We have lived with roleplaying games for 40 years now and there's a sense of saturation. Even the announcement of D&D's new edition was not met with a level of expectation as high as the first editions. Signs of the times.
