Saturday, 31 October 2009
Disaster struck tonight, when we opened our Halloween boxes and found the blacklight bulb shattered. We decided on using a spot light instead, and the neighbourhood kids loved the window - in fact we had 80 Kids Trick or Treat at our front door.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Another Halloween Treat
So, again in honour of that most spooky of nights - some "thing" else from the pages of Booty and the Beasts - The Dara . . . . . .
The Dara
SIZE: Small
HD: 4
MOVE: 20 ft
AC: 14
ATTACKS: 1 x 1d6 (stinger)
SPECIAL: Innocent Appearance, Paralysing Venom, +3 Initiative
INT: High
ALIGNMENT: Neutral/Evil
TYPE: Extraplanar
XP: 800+15 per HP
The Dara are a race of hermaphroditic creatures that outwardly look like sweet and innocent young girls aged around 8 or 9 years old. In actuality, they possess a highly malevolent and devious mind and internally closely resemble a cockroach.
Their single form of attack is their hidden sting which can lash out up to 5 feet away. The sting does 1d6 points of damage on a successful hit, and in addition injects the target with a paralysing venom. The victim must make a save vs. poison, which if failed will result in total paralysis for a full hour. The victim will just about be able to breath, but be incapable of any other actions. If the save is passed, the target of the sting is only partially affected – and as a consequence is reduced to one-half dexterity and movement for 10 minutes.
Dara are always encountered alone, using their deceptively innocent appearance to trap unwary travellers. Dara are always found wandering aimlessly, and needing help and protection – apparently lost.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Otherworld Miniatures Sale
There are now 169 different figures in their range of 28mm fantasy monsters, with many more on the way!
To celebrate their first 3 years,they are holding a sale,until 3rd December all of their figures have been discounted by 20%, and worldwide shipping will be free of charge for orders over £75.00 in value.
They won't even let the Royal Mail strike spoil your shopping, as all orders placed during the sale period will be shipped by either 'Airsure' delivery for international orders or Special Delivery within the UK.
My very first order arrived yesterday and - OH MY GAWD!
The are even better 'in the flesh' than the pictures show on the website!
Anyway, here is a quick rundown of what was in my Treasure Chest (lol) and my initial thoughts.
DD1 - Demon Idol
The Demon Idol is, to put it as succinctly as possible - a work of art. A brilliantly executed sculpt, with little or no casting residue on it. Its a real joy to behold. I just need some Wererats for my PC's to kill and I am set!
DM3a - Ogre I
I was initially unsure of the Ogre, the photos on the webstore really don't do it justice. I am REALLY pleased with this model now I have it finally an Ogre with proper 1st Ed feet! He's a big bugger too! He should imtimidate a party of adventurers nicely.
DM11 - Shriekers & Violet Fungi
A great addition, as I only have one Shrieker, an old Grenadier one (my Citadel one got swiped years ago). Plus the Violet Fungi tendrils are a great bonus too! The beaty of these little fungi is they are nice and easy to paint too, just a case of black undercoat and wet/drybrushing.
DM9a - Stirges
Stirges are one of my fave beasties, not so hard as to wipe out a party - and not so weak as to be beaten easily. I only have 4 of the Citadel stirges, and knowing I now have a ready supply is great. These new sculpts are far superior to the citadel ones in my humble opinion.
KB1, 2, & 3 - Kobold Warriors I, II, & III
Stunning, absolutely superb - these little buggers are spot on. can't wait to start plaguing my players with these! A lot of other manufacturers Kobolds are to squat or chunky, these are nicely wirey and you can imagine them easily fitting through the tighter places wthin a dungeon.
DM17 - Hook Horror
A great 1e style re-imagining of a Hook Horror. The illustration in the Fiend Folio didn't really cut it, as (to me at least) it looked like an overgrown parrot. This beastie looks much more dangerous.
DM1a, 1b, & 1c - Bugbear Warriors I, II, & III
Again these are great - less comical that the citadel bugbears - but just as much fun! There are 6 different sculpts amongst the warriors, and a Bugbear Chieftain too!
G1b - Hill Giant
Other peoples sculpts of Hill Giants either look to noble (those that are too muscular with thick hair and beards) or comical (like the ral-partha Hill Giant that looked like an oversized neanderthal) - this guys looks exactly the same as in the 1st Ed AD&D Monster Manual - sweet!
DM6 - Minotaur
I realy REALLY cannot stand minotaurs with hooves - according to greek myth they were huge men with the head of a great bull, no mention of hooves. This model is spot on!
DV2a - Giant Ticks
These little buggers are wonderfully gribbly, and will no doubt scare the crap out of the lady players - I cant wait Lol.
DM4a - Troll I
Again, very impressed - out of all the 'proper' AD&D Trolls produced, this is my new favourite (it used to be the ral partha one). Again, tick 'VG'!
O4 - Pig-faced Orc Warband
FINALLY Otherworlds Pig Faced orcs, I've never owned many pig faced orcs - in fact I only ever had two before. One was a VERY old Minifigs model (dreadful it was too LoL) and a Prince August model. These are amazing to be honest, funny (without being comical) and the detailing is amazing!
Now, I know people reading this might be calling me a fan boy (or possibly worse) but I can honestly say, if I wasn't happy (and very impressed) I WOULD be posting 'appropriate comments' LoL!
I've been a Dungeon Master for D&D/AD&D (and now my AD&D/C&C Hybrid) since the white box edition of Dungeons and Dragons all those years ago - I've bought and painted a LOT of miniatures over the years. Its a shame I've had to wait over 30 years to find a range that fits the bill!
To Richard of Otherworld Miniatures, long may you run your company - and many thanks for starting it.
Keep Rollin'
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Something for Halloween
But enough of the real world, onto something new (old?).
An ongoing project for me is the conversion of much of Booty and the Beasts, so in anticipation of the 31st - something for Halloween . . .
The Leucomorph
SIZE: Large
HD: 14
MOVE: 30 ft
AC: 16
ATTACKS: 1d6 (tentacles) 3d6 or 2 (fists) 4d8
SPECIAL: Horror/Disgust, Knockback, Spine Removal, Alkaline Damage (2d6)
INT: Low
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic/Evil
TYPE: Extraplanar
XP: 1500+10 per HP
A degenerate descendent of C’thulhu and the old ones, the Leucomorph is about the most disgusting and repulsive creature around. Its misshapen torso looms over 7 feet tall. At its base in place of legs are thick sucker-lined tentacles. Hundreds of inch-thick cilia writhe obscenely in its huge drooling maw, and crowning the beast’s head are many waving antenna.
Such is the Leucomorphs horrific visage and foul stench, any intelligent creature viewing a Leucomorph must save or flee in horror for one hour. If a save is made the viewer will merely wretch uncontrollably for 1-4 melee rounds, causing him to attack and defend at -5. If there is a target within five feet; the Leucomorph may strike with 1-6 of its tentacles constricting for 3-18 points each.
I t may punch with its fists which do 4-32 of damage each, and knock a man-sized victim 20 feet backwards (strength test with a difficulty of 10 to avoid).
This creature can also attempt to remove an opponent’s spine by draping its many cilia over an enemy's head and then sucking the spine out through the cranial region, causing instant death. Because of the difficulty of this task, there is only a 20% chance (a roll of 16+ on a d20) that on any hit the spine will be removed. If unsuccessful, the victim will still take 2d6 alkaline damage from the beasts’ unnatural slobber.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
The Dragon Gates
In Barsaive and Eberron they have Sky Ships, but on Lemuria they have the Dragon Gates.
The idea comes from a piece of art from Dragon Magazine, I have no idea what article it pertains too - I just came across it when searching Google images.

I tweaked the Stargate concept a bit, that way I have a way for the PC's to travel quickly to different locations (not just other planets, but geographical locations and even dimensions) within the game milieu (I knwo of another DM who would hate this, remember he had a Horse plague in a game once, JUST to control his players movements). Make them a bit of mystery - thats important, only a few get to use them - so it doesn't mess up the game world!
The Dragon Gates
A Dragon Gate is a device that allows practical, rapid travel between two remote locations.
They appear as large rings composed of an indestructible grey/bronze material with nine "chevrons" spaced around their circumference. The inner ring, which rotates within the outer, contains thirty-eight unique symbols representing ‘codes’ which when combined in the correct way and number allow almost instantaneous travel between locations. One symbol always represents the Dragon Gate being used, and usually matches either the location (minor Dragon Gate) or planet/dimension (major Dragon Gate) where the Dragon Gate resides. Major Dragon Gates can also function as minor Dragon Gates if you know how to use them. The reverse is not true, you can never dial anything but a geographical location from a minor Dragon Gate.
Pairs of Dragon Gates function by generating a stable 'gate' between them, allowing one-way travel through. The symbols on the inner ring of the Dragon Gate correspond to either geographic latitudes and longitudes (minor Dragon Gate) or constellations/dimensions (major Dragon Gate) and serve to map out coordinates for various destinations.
A typical Dragon Gate measures 22 ft (though some are much bigger) in diameter, weighs around 64,000 lb and its core made of the heavy magical mineral Oricalcum*. The Dragon Gates were created millions of years ago by an ancient race of Dragon Mages and Priests - their modern history began when a young Wizard discovered their purpose some 50 years ago. Dragon Gates are still not in common usage, the language the symbols are written in is ancient and long forgotten. Only a few individuals know how to use them successfully.
When dialling a Dragon Gate either an ata-keno (a large amulet device, usually worn on a chain around the neck – much sought after as it can access any Dragon Gate) or a Dragon Gate Device (or DgD) must be used. A circular table or platform with matching symbols for the gate, each must be pressed in turn – when the address is complete the central ‘jewel’ is pressed activating the Dragon Gate.
There are definite no-no’s when attempting gate travel. You must ensure your gate address is correct (especially with major gates) or you could end up anywhere in the multiverse. Also, make sure you keep a record of the Dragon Gate you left from, without that address you will not be able to get home.
Do not attempt to pass active (as in worn) rings of teleportation or dimension door through – what comes through doesn’t live long, and isn’t pretty to look at.
*Oricalcum is a glossy, reddish-gold metal, of great magical potency. It does not oxidize, retaining its gloss indefinitely without polishing. It is resistant to all forms of corrosion. However - a peculiarity of the ore is that oricalcum absorbs blood if it is not soon cleaned off. The more blood a piece of oricalcum has absorbed, the darker red its hue grows. Some ancient oricalcum blades are glossy black. When cold, oricalcum has ten times the strength of steel, when heated - it is worked as easily as bronze. Oricalcum is found in some copper lodes. 1 lb of oricalcum sells for 2000 gp or more.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
The Return of the Anti-Paladin (An NPC Class for C&C)
Are the players in your campaign bored?
Has smiting the enemies of God and Mankind become a drag?
Now, add an element of surprise and unknown danger to your NPC encounter tables: Let the players meet an Anti-Paladin!
As an NPC, the Anti-Paladin represents everything that is mean, low and despicable in the human race. No act of treachery is too base, no deed of violence too vile for him. Thoughtless cruelty, sheer depravity and senseless bloodshed are his hallmarks: Chaotic and Evil deeds are, in fact, his very lifeblood.
Obviously, through your many adventures and campaigns, you as the Castle Keeper have already acquired these traits. Now you can exploit your talents without restraint as you watch your players—especially those Paladins try to deal with this non-player character!
Recognizing an Anti-Paladin should be fairly easy for players. Perhaps it’s his preference for black: black horse, black armour, black sword; or his grim, skull-shaped keep-raised in black basalt or gleaming obsidian—looming ominously against a gray, brooding sky on some chilly, windswept mountaintop.
Maybe it’s the company he keeps: brigands, thieves and assassins if they’re human; orcs, ogres, hobgoblins and trolls if they’re not!
Where the paladin is the champion of all that is good and lawful, the anti-paladin is the stereotypical black knight, a defender of the powers of chaos and evil who is devoid of honour or remorse. By nature, therefore, his alignment is always chaotic evil, without exception!
Anti-paladins (also known as blackguards) usually lead undead or monstrous minions in their quest for destruction and domination. They sometimes serve powerful overlords or act as mercenaries of the darkest stripe.
Creating the NPC Anti-Paladin
To determine the characteristics of an Anti-Paladin, refer to Table 1 (below).
A base number appears following each of the first five characteristics - strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity and Constitution-shown on that table. To this base number should be added the sum rolled on the appropriate die for each characteristic, as shown.
Table 1
Anti-Paladin Characteristics
Strength - 12 + d6
Intelligence - 10 + d8
Wisdom - 12 + d6
Dexterity - 6 +d12
Constitution - 10 + d8
Charisma - 4*
*Charisma requires special treatment; true Evil will either reveal itself in all its hideous ugliness or disguise itself behind a pleasant exterior. For this reason, Anti-Paladins tend to be either sinfully ugly (4 or less Charisma) or devilishly handsome (17+). To determine Charisma, roll a four-sided die, with a roll of “2” resulting in Charisma three; “3” resulting in Charisma four; “4” resulting in Charisma 17 and “5” resulting in Charisma 18. On rolls of one or six, you may choose the anti-paladins Charisma score.
If his Charisma is exceptionally low, the Anti-Paladin will look as though he could break mirrors simply by glancing at them, and will automatically Cause Fear in men and animals whenever he reveals his face! An exceptionally high Charisma, on the other hand, will instantly Charm men and many monsters as the spell (animals and unintelligent creatures, however, are not affected).
In all cases, saving throws are applicable.
Low Charisma and SIEGE Engine Tests In the case of an Anti-Paladin with sinfully low Charisma, INVERT the Attribute Table for SEIGE Engine attribute tests.
HOWEVER in doing so you must remember such tests generally will evoke negative effects, changing the ‘pluses’ around merely represents the force of the Anti-Paladins personality (he’s still an ugly bugger Lol).
Charisma Score SIEGE Modifier
CHA 3 = +3
CHA 4 = +2
In game terms, a Charisma 3 Anti-Paladin would have a Base Difficulty of 12 (CHA=Prime) with a +3 on the Roll to illicit information from someone (for example). Whereas a CHA 18 Anti-Paladin would use charm and good looks, a CHA 1 Anti-Paladin would use fear and intimidation.
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil
ABILITIES: Anti-paladin training, immunity to disease, lay on hands, back attack, poisons, smite good, unholy aura, cause disease, command undead, fiendish mount, anti-paladin spells
Level/Hit Dice/To Hit/EPP
13+ = 225,000 EP per level
Anti-Paladin Abilities
Anti-Paladin Training
As champions of chaos and destruction, all anti-paladins gain the same knowledge of religion as any good cleric or paladin, accounting for their servitude to and worship of demons and evil deities and their eternal fight against the forces of good. If secondary skills are also used they also begin play with the Animal Trainer (WIS), Animal Lore (INT), and Riding (DEX) secondary skills. If secondary skills (or non-weapon proficiencies) are not used, then the anti-paladin always gets +3 to any SEIGE Engine rolls to any actions involving the handling or control of his mount.
Immunity to Disease
The anti-paladin is immune to all diseases, whatever their origin.
Lay on Hands
An anti-paladin can cure himself or undead creatures of up to 2 hit points per anti-paladin level once per day. If used on other living creature, this ability inflicts damage rather than heals it.
Back Attack
The Anti-Paladin receives a +4 bonus to hit, with double damage if he hits, whenever he attacks a victim from behind. Since he will only attack from a position of strength-usually above and behind, with dagger, sword or whatever is close at hand—backstabbing is the Anti-Paladin’s preferred method of attack!
Poisons (Intelligence)
An anti-paladin with this ability can identify and use poisons and antitoxins. An anti-paladin can identify a poison or antitoxin on a successful check. An anti-paladin’s training in the use of poison means that he never risks accidental poisoning when applying poison to a blade. Moreover, anti-paladins train with poisons of all types, and they slowly grow more resistant to their effects. This is reflected by a + 1 bonus to poison saving throws that is gained at 3rd level. This bonus increases by 1 point at levels 9 and 15. At 9th level, an anti-paladin gains the ability to make poisons and antitoxins. To make a poison or antitoxin, the anti-paladin needs some alchemical equipment and raw materials costing one half of the street value of the poison or antitoxin to be made.
Smite Good
Anti-paladins, as agents of corruption and evil, are charged with the destruction of paladins, as well as good aligned clerics, and extra planar creatures (such as devas and solars). At first level anti-paladins gain a +2 bonus to all damage rolls against such creatures. At levels 6, 11 and 16 this damage bonus increases by 1 (to +3 at level 6, +4 at level 11 and +5 at level 16). The paladin smite evil ability, in turn, is effective against anti-paladins.
Detect Good
Beginning at first level, paladins have the ability to detect evil in the same manner as the spell. However, this ability is innate and no spell casting is involved. A paladin simply concentrates for one round on an area or individual within 60 feet to use the ability. The paladin must face toward the area or individual being examined. The paladin can do this as often as desired, but must be able to concentrate for at least one round to do so.
Unholy Aura
Anti-paladins emanate a permanent unholy aura that wards against attacks from good, summoned, or conjured creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the anti-paladin that conveys a +2 bonus to armour class and a +2 bonus on all saving throws against good creatures. The divine aura also prevents bodily contact by summoned or conjured creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Evil elementals and extra planar creatures are immune to this effect.
Cause Disease
At 3rd level the anti-paladin can cause disease, as the spell, once per week. This ability improves as the anti-paladin rises in levels. At 9th level, the anti-paladin can cause disease two times per week and, at 15th level, three times per week.
Command Undead (Wisdom)
At 3rd level, the anti-paladin gains the ability to effect undead as an evil cleric of 1st level. When making a wisdom check to command undead, an anti-paladin adds his “turning level” to the roll, not the characters actual level. This ability improves with each level, so a 5th level anti-paladin turns or commands undead like a 3rd level cleric. Anti-paladins may turn, but not destroy, paladins while paladins and good-aligned clerics may turn anti-paladins.
Fiendish Mount
At 4th level, the anti-paladin gains the ability to call a special warhorse to his service. An anti-paladin’s dark lords confer this boon upon the anti-paladin as a reward for his faithful service. The mount, usually an ill-tempered heavy warhorse (there should be a chance of it being a Nightmare), is unusually intelligent, strong, loyal, and ready to serve the anti-paladin in his crusade against good. Should this mount die, a year and a day must pass before another can be called. The Dungeon Master provides information about the mount that responds to the anti-paladin’s call.
Anti-Paladin Spells
An anti-paladin casts clerical spells much as an evil cleric does. The spells available are listed on the cleric spell list. An anti-paladin is limited to a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. The table below shows the number of spells per day a character of the class may cast. Anti-paladins prepare spells each day through prayer to their deity or deities. Through to the 8th level, an anti-paladin has no caster level. At 9th level and higher, his caster level is one-half his anti-paladin level.
Please Note – Anti-Paladins never gain additional spells for having high attribute scores.
Cleric Spells
Attacks per Round for Anti-Paladins
Please Note – These rules replace any rules for additional attacks from the C&C Players Handbook.
1-6/1 per round
7-12/3 per 2 rounds
13+/2 per round
Please Note – This is the Anti-Paladins base number of Attacks, not including any additional attacks for specialization.
Keep Rollin'