The idea of Devils being a big part of a Fantasy RPG World first appeared in the first edition Monster Manual which was published in 1977. I always liked the Demons and Devils - they provide great Villains and the Party gets a great boost of Moral should they defeat such a vile creature.
The list includes some great monsters - the Barbed Devil, the Bone Devil, the Eryines, the Horned Devil (also known as a Malebranche), the Ice Devil (a personal favourite of mine, more of them later), the Lemure, the Pit Fiend, and the actual Arch-Devils (sort of a Satanic Royal Court) themselves Asmodeus, Baalzebul, Dispater, and Geryon. The Imp - a frequent servant of all Devils (and a first rate Familiar for a Lawful Evil Wizard), also first appeared in the very first Monster Manual.
Astaroth, Belial, and Satan appeared in a Dragon Magazine article "The Politics of Hell," (issue 28 which was the August 1979 issue) - that particularly controvertial article does not appear to be connected in any way to the established AD&D canon of the Nine Hells. Selm, Devil Prince of the Possessors appeared in in an article in Dragon Magazine 42 which was the October 1980 Issue.
The Styx Devil first appeared in the first edition Fiend Folio released in 1981.
Demons appear in the first edition Monster Manual as well - the list includes Manes, Succubus, Vrock, Hezrou, Glabrezu, Nalfeshnee, Marilith, and Balor.
The Demon Lords Demogorgon, Juiblex, Orcus (my Favourite Demon Lord), and Yeenoghu also make an appearance in that most revered tome. The quasit, a frequent servant of demons (again a great Familiar for Chaotic Evil Wizards), also first appeared in the 1st Ed AD&D Monster Manual.
Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders is described under the Demon entry in the 1981 Fiend Folio.
Several new demons debuted in the module Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (1982), including the Alu-Demon, the Bar-Lgura, the Chasme, the Dretch, and the Rutterkin - the new demon lords Baphomet, Fraz-Urb'luu, Graz'zt, and Kostchtchie also appeared therein.
The Alu-Demon, Babau, Bar-Lgura, Cambion Half-Breeds, Chasme, Dretch, Nabassu, and Rutterkin appeared in the first edition Monster Manual II (published in 1983), along with Demon Lords Baphomet, Fraz-Urb'luu, Graz'zt, Kostchtchie, and Pazuzu.
The Goristro first appeared in the November 84 Dragon #91 - the article's author Gary Gygax explained that he had intended to put the creature into Monster Manual II along with the other demons.
The Demoness Zuggtmoy first appeared and played a major role in the Temple of Elemental Evil module ( published 1985).Whilst Orcus was a central antagonist for The Throne of Bloodstone series of adventures (another personal Favourite), appearing in The Throne of Bloodstone, along with Baphomet, Klavikus the type IV Demon Guardian, and Glyphimor.
The 2nd Edition Planescape campaign setting used Devils & Demons, (now known exclusively as Baatezu & Tanar'ri under 2nd edition rules), extensively. The change in name not only (for me at least) reduced their apparent threat (theres a Devil after you soundsa a LOT scarier than theres a Baatuzu after you) but was for 'safety' reasons. The new Management at TSR were painfully aware of the bad press TSR had through the whole Dungeons and Dragons Devil Worship fiasco's of the 1980's and wanted to distance themselves not only from that but from Gary and Dave's Creative vision.
At various times in its history, D&D/AD&D has received negative publicity - in particular from Christian groups; generally for alleged promotion of such practices as Devil Worship, Witchcraft, Suicide, and even Murder. Also the showing of naked breasts in drawings of female humanoids in the original AD&D manuals (mainly monsters such as Harpies, Succubi, etc.) caused them problems (also from narrow minded individuals).
These controversies led TSR to remove many potentially controversial references and artwork when releasing the 2nd Edition of AD&D. Many of these references, including the use of the names ‘Devils’ and ‘Demons’, were reintroduced in the 3rd edition (one of the FEW things WotC got right).
ANWAYS back to point, conversions - I will be converting the First Edition AD&D Demons and Devils over to C&C as they will be playing a significant part in my Campaign.
And, without further digression - here is the first . . . . .
Ice Devil (Greater devil)

NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 (or 1-4)
SIZE: Large (over 10 ft tall)
HD: 11d8
MOVE: 16 ft
AC: 24
ATTACKS: 4 (1d4/1d4/1d8/2d6 + Cold Effects)
SPECIAL: +2 or better Weapon to Hit, Ultravision 60 ft, Magic Resistance (Sc+)
INT: High
ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil
TYPE: Devil
XP: 4500+10 per HP
PSlONlC ABILITY: 166-166
Attack/Defense Modes: CD/FGH
The frigid eighth plane of Hell is populated in the main with ice devils. Being greater devils, they have personal names.
They are greater devils in every sense of the word, preferring to attack and torment victims by means of their claws, mandibles, and tails.
A few (25%) carry great spears which inflict 2-12 hit points damage and numb with cold the creature thus struck (slow 50% unless save versus paralysation is made).
Ice devils can do any one of the following at will, once per turn or melee round, as applicable: fly, wall of ice, detect magic, detect invisible, polymorph self, or gate in two bone devils (1-6) or another ice devil (7-20) (with a 60% chance of success). Once per day an ice devil can cause an ice storm (as per that spell).
Ice Devils are able to regenerate 1 hit point per melee round, and have a grasping strength of 18/Prime. They radiate fear in a 10'radius (a saving throw vs. wands applies).
General Characteristics of Devils
Only erinyes, barbed devils, and bane devils can be hit by non-magical weapons. The greater devils (malebranche, ice devils, and pit fiends) can be struck by magical weapons, or weapons of silver, but ordinary arms do them no harm.
Abilities (at will)
• Charm Person • Suggestion • Illusion • lnfravision • Teleportation (with no error) • Know Alignment • Cause Fear (effect varies) • Animate Dead
Devils are able to summon their fellows, summoning being similar to a monster summoning spell.
Because they have a special form of telepathy, devils are able to understand and converse with any intelligent creature.
Attack/Maximum Damage Taken
Electricity (Lightning)/Full
Fire (Dragon, Magical)/None
Gas (Poisonous)/Half
Iron Weapon/None*
Magic Missile/Full
Silver weapon/Full
*unless affected by normal weapons, in which case damage will be according to the weapon type.
Loads more to do, Keep Rollin'
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